Educational Establishments

Shellingford Church of England (Voluntary Aided) School


Headteacher Miss Judith Terrell
Address Shellingford Church of England (Voluntary Aided) School
Church Street
Telephone 01367710301
Type of Establishment Voluntary aided school (Local authority maintained schools)
Phase of Education Primary (Ages 4 - 11)
Boarders No boarders
Sixth Form Does not have a sixth form
Gender Mixed
Religious Character / Diocese Church of England / Diocese of Oxford
Admissions Policy Not applicable
School Capacity 105
Special Classes No Special Classes
Number of Pupils (Boys/Girls) 95 (56 / 39)
Percentage Free School Meals 4.20%
Ofsted Rating Good
Ofsted Special Measures Not applicable
Name Role Appointment Term ends Appointing body
Mrs Jane Samways Chair of Governors 01/01/2024 19/10/2025 Appointed by GB/board
Mr Ian Anslow Governor 22/11/2023 21/11/2027 Elected by parents
Mrs Susan Hatton Governor 02/03/2021 01/03/2025 Nominated by other body and appointed by GB
Mrs Anna Marlow Governor 01/01/2024 25/06/2027 Appointed by GB/board
Mrs Jane Merritt Governor 21/09/2022 20/09/2026 Appointed by GB/board
Mrs Verity Roberts Governor 05/10/2023 04/10/2027 Elected by school staff
Mrs Jane Smith Governor 16/10/2023 15/10/2027 Nominated by other body and appointed by GB
Mr Michael Wright Governor 31/01/2021 30/01/2025 Nominated by other body and appointed by GB